We spend so much time in our shops....might as well make them pretty!

and the newest shop accessory is from Highland Hardware.
One person's woodworking journey, with a focus on handtools, a nod to the past, and an appreciation for the creative spirit.
Hey. That really looks good! Does this mean someone's thinking of going totally full-time pro?
I love both. Hung one shingle, and nailed the other. Very, very cool!
Really classy, Kari. You seem so young to have had a shop since 1900.
Very sweet Kari!
Adam, um, no. If I were a full-time woodworker, I wouldn't be able to afford groceries. ; )
Al, thanks!
Larry, ah yes, the marvels of modern skin cream.
Thanks, Mark!
Is that a Disston D-7?
You DO know how to decorate a shop!
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