Here are some photos of Roy Underhill (man of a thousand expressions) on set in the Woodwright's Shop and on a roadtrip to Berea, where he visited

In the first few images, the men with Roy, Marcus Hansen and Ed Wright, both of whom are finish carpenters at Colonial Williamsburg, are using a fancy ellipse machine. To see one in use, check out Stephen Shepherds's video and read about it here.

In mid-September, Roy visited Don Weber's shop where he got a first hand look at Don's reproduction 12th c. Viking chest (at left). You can read more about it on Mitch Roberson's blog.


Photos are presented with kind permission from the Woodwright's Shop's cameraman & photographer, Mike Oniffrey.
If I remember correctly, Underhill's college degree was in theater ...
I saw the elipse machine in action last January in The woodworking in the 18th century conference. It was really something to see especially up close. It was amazing the tools and methods in their time.
Fun! Roy is great - a good mix of smart and goofy! There is an episode of Woodwright's Shop about that Don Weber Viking chest that should be airing soon - at least up here in Alaska - maybe it has already aired back east - we tend to lag behind on things...
Bill--that wouldn't surprise me a bit!
Scott--I'm looking forward to seeing your photos from the next conference in 2009. :)
Dan, that's great news about the show. I'd like to get a closer look at that Viking chest.
They look like a fun bunch of guys to be with!
I had a very similar expression whenever I first saw Warren's work in his shop in Berea, as it was concurrent to my dulcimer build...
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