3 other members of my woodworking club and I finished up the
toys today for underpriveleged kids. 102 cars and trucks in all. Since most of the work today was hand sanding and adding axels and wheels, the four of us were able to chat for the four hours we were together. Anyone who claims that men don't talk much should meet the guys in my club. The type of conversation between groups of men and groups of women, however, is very different. Woodworking guys tell funny stories about things that happened to them or "this guy I know", or talk about woodworking in general or places they've visited or just topical

"things". Women talk about people and relationships.
While we were working, an older man came into the woodshop with his very young grandson, about 4 years old, and of course walks right over to the only woman (me) to tell me that when he goes to flea markets, he tells his grandson to ask the vendor for some Hustler magazines, upon which he laughed raucously. Not sure why he felt compelled to tell ME, but I obliged with a chuckle. After he left, the guys started telling jokes about a certain county nearby that is known for its not-so-sophisticated residents.