Monday, September 10, 2007.
That's the day I sat down to write my first blog post, not knowing if anyone would ever be interested in reading it. But, that was okay. My sole reason for starting a blog was to make friends with other likeminded folks. And if that didn't happen, I'd just head back to my quiet little corner of the woodworking world.
But it did happen. I made tons of friends. And I never could have predicted all the other things that occurred over the next five and a half years because of my blog.
I'm grateful for all the opportunities that came my way, the encouragement I received, and the knowledge I gained.
For the first three years, I was obsessed with "feeding my blog" with visits to historic sites and woodworking events, and pushing myself to try new things.
Since then, I've cut back on blogging. With so much great content out there through podcasts and blogs, and online communities such as the Modern Woodworkers Association, it seems as though all the bases are covered.
I played fastpitch softball until I was 33 years old. That's when I decided to hang up my cleats while I was still playing good ball.
I'm not sure what my next step is in woodworking, but I feel that it's time to take a seat on the bench in the blogging league and watch the game from the cheering section.
With that, I'll leave you with some of my favorite posts, and offer you my most sincere appreciation for reading The Village Carpenter blog.
All the best to you.
February 14, 2008
March 12, 2008
August 30, 2008
May 3, 2009
July 10, 2009
October 31, 2009
February 18, 2010
July 11, 2010
May 22, 2011
Monday, May 20, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
WIA: Better, Faster, Stronger!
Registration for Woodworking In America is now open!
You'll see some new speakers as well as old favorites at this year's event. And of course, there is a huge variety of classes to inspire, educate, and entertain you. On top of all that is the icing on the cake—the marketplace—where you get to test drive and talk to the makers of your favorite tools.
At each WIA I've attended (I think it's 4), I've found myself making mad dashes to try to catch as many classes and meet as many people as possible.
So if you have ever considered cloning yourself, now might be a good time to get started.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Life's Curve Balls
Been a wee bit quiet around the shop lately. We had a health scare three weeks ago and, long story short, I've been busy taking care of my partner, managing the household, walking the dogs, and running my business.
No time for woodworking at all. Hopefully we'll fall into a routine soon and I'll get back to it, but family comes first.
Anyhow, carry on and happy woodworking!
No time for woodworking at all. Hopefully we'll fall into a routine soon and I'll get back to it, but family comes first.
Anyhow, carry on and happy woodworking!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Sven In Action
A couple folks wanted to see a video of Sven in action. He works pretty well, but after a bit of a break-in period, I think he'll be even better.
I have no idea why the shavings are accordioned. Nothing is obstructing their exit and they don't bunch up at all in the throat. Maybe it has something to do with the higher bed angle. No clue. He works. And that's good enough for me.
To see the video in HD, click here.
The song is "Heartbreak Express" by Dolly Parton.
I have no idea why the shavings are accordioned. Nothing is obstructing their exit and they don't bunch up at all in the throat. Maybe it has something to do with the higher bed angle. No clue. He works. And that's good enough for me.
To see the video in HD, click here.
The song is "Heartbreak Express" by Dolly Parton.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Horned Smoother Part X

Totally fun project. I added a little decoration to the wedge by carving my initials in the top portion and carving a curvy element at the bottom of the ramp.

The finish is a couple coats of BLO followed by a couple coats of wax. Sven's already gotten a nice suntan from sitting by the window in my shop, but after a few years of use, he should have an even richer color.

To make the jig, I sat the blank on top of a board, slid the clamping blocks up to it, and screwed them in place. This made for a very tight fit. So tight, that the first few times I removed the blank from the jig took a little muscle. After a bit of use, however, because the blocks were pine and the fibers compressed, it became much easier to remove and reposition the blank.

The clamping blocks that were positioned along the sides of the blank have a space between them so that I could see my layout lines.
Sven's dimensions are 8.5" long x 3" wide x 2.25" high. From the sole to the top of the horn is about 5". I decided to leave a little extra length to the heel so that my hand wouldn't come in contact with the iron.
Now....what to build next?
Monday, February 11, 2013
Horned Smoother Part IX

Thinking it would protect the fragile corners of the dovetail, I added shoulders so that it would sit back from the front of the plane by way of a shallow recess.
The dovetail is hidden because the horn covers the joinery. I have no idea if this matches the method used 300 years ago, but it worked really well.

Even though there is a cross-grain situation with the horn and plane body, I glued it in place. We'll see what happens over time.
I had thought to circumvent any cross-grain issues by burying the bottom of the horn in the body and cutting a deeper mortise than necessary to allow for movement. Changed my mind for whatever reason, but I do think that's a viable option.

I should have glamour shots of Sven ready on Thursday. The oil is drying, then I'll apply some wax to the outside surfaces.

Saturday, February 9, 2013
Horned Smoother Part VIII

Here is how I carved the scrolls on the horned plane (whose name is Sven, by the way).
It turned out to be much easier than I expected, so it's no wonder Dutch planemakers added them as a design element. It's a cool feature that doesn't take all that much time to make.
After I carved the shapes with chisels and gouges, I touched them up with files. I use a ton of files in my shop; they're invaluable with these types of projects.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
We All Have A First Project
This is Get Woodworking Week—the thoughtful event initiated by Tom Iovino of Tom's Workbench.

Tom has reached out to bloggers, podcasters, and magazines to help generate enthusiasm for our craft. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, we can provide the gentle nudge for someone who's been thinking about picking up woodworking as a hobby.
I thought for days about what to write. Then I remembered the value of "show, don't tell."
So, for your viewing pleasure, I present some of my very first projects from 20 or so years ago.

Am I embarrassed to show them? Heavens, no. Looking through these old photos, I can still recall the excitement I felt when I built them. How proud I was to unveil them to family and friends.
So, my advice is, no matter where you are in your journey, be sure to photograph everything you make.
We all started somewhere—even master woodworkers who are making extraordinary pieces embellished with marquetry and inlay all had a first project.
Years from now when you look through your old photos, you'll be surprised at how far your skills have advanced.
Maybe you'll have the chance to share the images with someone who's been wondering if they might be able to build something if they just put their mind to it.
And you'll become the gentle nudge they've been waiting for.

Tom has reached out to bloggers, podcasters, and magazines to help generate enthusiasm for our craft. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, we can provide the gentle nudge for someone who's been thinking about picking up woodworking as a hobby.
I thought for days about what to write. Then I remembered the value of "show, don't tell."

Am I embarrassed to show them? Heavens, no. Looking through these old photos, I can still recall the excitement I felt when I built them. How proud I was to unveil them to family and friends.

We all started somewhere—even master woodworkers who are making extraordinary pieces embellished with marquetry and inlay all had a first project.
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Okay, yeah, I might be a little embarrassed about this one... |

Maybe you'll have the chance to share the images with someone who's been wondering if they might be able to build something if they just put their mind to it.
And you'll become the gentle nudge they've been waiting for.
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