Sometimes even right-brained people like a little orderliness.

Because I had moved some machinery that I rarely use into the basement—full-size lathe, router table, hollow chisel mortiser, and belt/disc sanding center—I was able to move a utility bench away from a crowded corner to use as a work surface and to house some books.
In the spirit of simple boarded furniture, I decided to use nails for fasteners, rabbets and dados for the carcase, and tongue & groove joinery for the back boards.

The bookshelf fits beneath the utility bench. It isn't fancy, but it is functional and practical, and was able to be built in a weekend due to the simple joinery.
*I do not work for Lie-Nielsen nor do I benefit in any way from the sale of their tools.
Ewww!! I've been lusting over the T&G plane. How do you like it? From your post I would guess its a keeper? You bought the #48 (3/4")? I was thinking the 1/2" for backs might do well also.
I have some bathroom wainscot I want to make as well and was thinking 1/2". Hmmm ..
Marilyn, I love the plane and know I'll get a lot of use out of it. I debated for a long time over which one to get—the 3/4" or 1/2"—and decided on the 3/4".
I was going to ask the same question, bummer that its not a simpler fence adjustment or iron change. 3/4 seems the more powerful option, but 1/2" would sure be nice for those little shelf bottoms etc. sigh.
I picked up a vintage Stanley tongue and groove plane a while back, and it is quite handy to have.
Nice work on the book shelf, looks great in your shop.
Kari - can you tell us more (and show more pictures) of the incredibly cool tool cabinet in the upper left above the bench?
Upriver, I figured I could always plane the 3/4" boards down a bit after I created the tongue and groove joint. However, you couldn't plane them all the way down to 1/2" because the walls of the groove would be too thin. It was definitely a tough choice.
Badger, I've never been able to find a nice set of antique T&G planes, but it would be great to find ones for 1/2" boards.
Ross, that is a reproduction of a cupboard at the Ephrata Cloister, If you do a search on my blog for "Ephrata Cloister Cupboard" the first three hits have to do with it. Also, search "wooden hinges" and I show how I made them. The other search is a post called "Almost Done." I think that's all of them.
I have that LN plane and love it. Cheated on a frame and panel carcass and even used it to remove what I could from the stopped grooves in the legs.
About once a year I think of a central storage unit (or two) for woodworking mags and books. But the rate of expansion of this collection makes my brain burst and I move on.
Isn't it nice to have fresh space?!
No basement or secondary storage for me, but I have strong urge to purge.
I was just enjoying the fun and curious twin shavings while using this plane last night. To those commenting above wondering whether to buy the 3/4 or 1/2 version I cannot make the decision easier. I bought the 3/4 version several years ago when I was fed up with my vintage Stanley that had seen better days. I love it so much that I bought the 1/2" model a few months ago specifically to use on thinner backer boards and such.
Sigh. I also do not work for Lie Nielsen but I do benefit from the purchase of their tools. ;)
PS: Kari, nice work on the book storage. I just did the same thing this weekend for our laundry room. Detergent not books.
The T&G plane has always struck me as one of the near-perfect, specialty tools that does one thing and does it really, really well.
I was wondering about the sizing too. How often do you need to put tongue & grooves on 3/4" stock? (seemed like 1/2" would be more common for furniture backs)
And on storing your book collections in the shop -- they look nice, but aren't these going to get buried in dust? Did you consider a barrister-style door for the bookcases??
In the big Poker game of disorganisation, I'll "see" your "all over your house tucked away", and "raise" you a "in two different countries".
I don't know if I'll ever be able to get my copies of FWW reorganised again. :(
I'm just hoping I can put them all back in order. They used to be so nicely sorted too...
I purchaseg a pair of 3/4" match planes from hyperkitten. They worked right out of the box, but I could not resist disambly to fettle with them. While apart I studied them with the intention of making 1/2" set, also with minor changes I could make Dado set.
WOW that's a clean shop!
and thank you for sharing!
Just for the sake of nitpicking I would say that those nails on the end grain don't hold well. That isn't much of a problem, if you glued the rabbets, or if you drove dowels vertically to where the nails are.
Best Regards from Belgium
Sean, way to think outside the box. :D
Tom, I was ruthless and went through all my books and magazines. I hauled a bunch down to the local library and am taking three boxes of magazines to my club meeting. From now on I'll be very selective about the books I buy.
Shannon, I bet I end up buying the 1/2" someday. It would really come in handy for drawer bottoms and thinner backer boards, as you pointed out. I'm going to make a bunch of storage boxes for the house, too.
Matt, I really struggled with the decision. I was all set to buy the 1/2" but then thought that I could use the 3/4" and plane the boards down (somewhat) if needed. Surpisingly, I don't get much sawdust at all on my books. I've had the other three shelves in my shop since 2004 and haven't had any trouble. I made the new one kind of shallow so it sits back underneath the workbench. Should be relatively dust-free, too.
Bob, you win! Thanks for the chuckle. :o)
Paul, that's a great idea to make your own. A rabbet plane with two nickers would also be very beneficial. Thanks for the idea.
Dave, it's usually fairly tidy unless I'm in the middle of a big project. It's cleaner than our house anyhow...
Theodore, I used glue along with the nails, so it should be fine. I don't think I'd trust just using nails for the reason you mentioned. There won't be any stress on the bookshelf so it should hold together for my lifetime.
I love the shelf and Lie-Nielsen tools. Over the weekend I made a carving bench for the back porch and started on a carved wooden bowl. Love the cooler weather we are finally starting to have.
As many of you know a group of us Georgia woodworkers have gotten together a few times over the summer and had a great time. It is a great group of guys and I really enjoy us talking and learning from each other. So far we have met at different locations with no regularly scheduled dates. It is difficult to keep this going as I will tend to procrastinate until last minute which is what I did this last meeting. In the end there were only four of us but many other keep asking to be left...
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