Recently, I bought a book entitled The Little Book of Whittling, by Chris Lubkemann, that clearly explains how to make simple letter openers, spoons, birds, forks, chickens, and tiny canoes, among other things useful or amusing.

Whittling is something that intrigued me as a kid. I remember using one of my dad's pocket knives to sharpen sticks, carve designs in them, and make sling shots. I never progressed beyond that, but I do remember having a great time. And feeling cool. Like Opie Taylor.
So, until I can get back to working with bigger tools (in exactly 23 days), I'm going to fiddle around with whittling. Today, I'm making a spoon or a whistle and then I'll show the neighbor kids how I made it, which will no doubt amaze them.
And they'll think I'm cool. The coolest brown-haired, middle-aged lady on the block.
Kari you ARE cool!
That book is kind of cool too. I did the same thing...I "borrowed" my Dad's pocket knife and carved something into many different wooden surfaces. I made a little sail boat once...put a little paper sail on it and watched it float away!
I wish I had a cool lady like you in my neighborhood when I was growing up!
Shazza, an adorable little Cape Cod just went up for sale in our neighborhood. You could hang out in my shop anytime! : )
You know if you start whittlin' regular, You gonna hafta git yerself
a Hound dog and a big ole cement pond.
(incidental music plays)
Ah...send me the real estate agent name...I'll look it up.
We can whittle away on the porch while M and the Presby girl read lots of books.
Sounds like nirvana!
I am heading off on vacation to Maine in a few weeks. (mine is a real vacation, no hospitals) and I wanted to bring something woodworking along to occupy my lazy afternoons in the sun. I picked up this same book and one on chip carving. Finally a woodworking style that I can take with me. Good luck with your whittlin'
Cool! I may just check into it, to keep amongst the books I will use exclusively in just a few years ; )
I believe you *have* found a way to stay busy with something woodworking!
I actually have a "little old man" that's about 4 inches tall. Some friend of my grandfather's whittled him. He's so cool!
Vic, you forgot the cutoff breetches!
David, it is a fun activity....and goes hand-in-hand with boyscouts. Have a great time at camp. : )
Shannon, I'm with you on needing to take some sort of woodworking with me on vacation. Chip carving is also a lot of fun. I hope your vacation is a lot more enjoyable than mine was!
Al, I bet your grandkids would get a kick out of things you could whittle for them. They already know you're the #1 Grandpa, but this will put you over the top!
IdentityMixed, there is something about a handcarved or whittled piece. That could be a type of woodworking to teach your boys when they're old enough.
And hair extensions, so you can have those braided pony tails. I'm a little small, but I could be Jethro.
Wait! Didn't Elly May beat him up a lot?
If I'm Ellie May, and you're Jethro, does that make my partner...Granny?
She better not see that comment! She'll kick your rear!
Have enjoyed a meander through your blogs, very interesting stuff and I like the sort of projects you get stuck into. Have a look at the 'Blokeblog' to see wood related witterings from across the pond. Hope you're feeling better now - Rob
Thanks, Rob!
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