I built this jig when I was making drawers for my
tool cabinet and needed a way to secure them to my workbench while

handplaning them. It's just a piece of 3/4"

plywood with slots that are spaced apart to match the width and length of each of

the two sizes of drawers. The width of the slots equals the thickness of the drawer boards. That way, the drawers don't shift at all when you plane them. This jig also enables you to plane from both directions so you don't tear out the corners.
If you're making drawers that have a bottom that slides in after

the sides have been glued together, then it's even easier to plane the sides. Because without the bottom, you can slide the drawer further in from the outer edge of the jig, providing even more support.
(see last photo)
By the way, these drawers have walnut sides and cherry fronts and backs. That's one of the backs in the last photo. Notice how much lighter in color that cherry is compared to the fronts, since the backs never see sunlight. The fronts have naturally darkened that much (I only used blonde shellac) over two years.
Do you just come up with cool ideas all the time on the whim?
I wish I could take credit for this idea, but I'm not that clever. I saw it in one of my old books on workbenches.
What if the drawers aren't the size of your jig? Do you make another jig or do you always make the same size drawers?!?!
Do you get jiggy with it?
HA! Yep, that's exactly right; I get jiggy and make another jig for the next project. : )
We need to set you up with a podcast! You could even use some of your famous voices. I think you would give the Wood Whisperer a run for the money. You would have everyone Shakin, Toolin, Learnin, and Laughin!
HA! Only if you're on the vlog with me, my friend. ; )
I think the Idiot is on to something Carpenter gal - little audio/videos explaining your woodworking would definitely be a hit! You may give a voice to women who would like to explore this craft more, but are a little intimidated by it being a male dominated area. I can honestly tell you that I've wanted to take a few woodworking classes in my past, but have always been hesitant being the only woman in the class. I took enough shop classes in HS to cure me of trying that ever again.
You said "the Idiot". heh heh
That's my buddy, by the way, and I think that's what I'm going to call him from now on. *big grin*
In order for me to do a vlog, I would first have to shed about 500 pounds and then grow some guts. Could take a while. ; )
That's a shame about your HS shop experience. A lot of women, including the ones in my women's woodworking club and the women who take my classes have also had bad experiences. Men gave me a hard time when I was younger and that's why I'm self-taught.
If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll be happy to show you how to use woodworking machinery and tools.
OK, as long as I am Silent Bob, Harpo, Teller, or the Silent Village Idiot. Actually, if I was assisting, I wouldn't mind. It would actually be fun. To do it on my own, I would need lots more experience. I definitely think your Blog is way cool!
Great, now I have more people calling me the Idiot other than my wife and friends. I guess I had it coming.
Your wife doesn't call you an idiot, she calls you "Grumpy"! :o)
Sorry Village person I thought I put a V in front of that "other" word, but now I see that I didn't.
Carpenter gal - I agree with the Village guy - your blog is way cool.
Next time I visit my dear sister who lives in Dover,PA I'll let you know and maybe you can give me a quickie tour of your workshop.
Hey Village Idiot, now you're being called one of the Village People. I'm guessing you're the construction worker? hee hee
Sounds good, Shazza. M and Presby can hang while we make some sawdust!
Looks like this jig would be pretty easy to make with a sliding "finger" maybe with adjustable projection and a cam clamp (eccentric circle type) to clamp the side if desired...
Brilliant; saved to HD.
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