Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Matthew Harding

Mark from Woodfired introduced me to the inspiring work of his friend, Matthew Harding, a highly regarded woodworker, sculptor, and carver from Australia.

While there are many talented individuals in the visual arts, Matthew is extraordinarily gifted in diversity, as expressed in his broad range of style.

He has command of various materials, including wood, bronze & steel, and stone; and a firm grasp on balance, composition, design, and originality.

Check out his website to see more of his artwork....and enjoy!


  1. Wow Kari!!! Thanks for introducing me to this artist. This is the kind of woodworking I really love..I appreciate the classics of woodworking, but woodwork as art is what really touches me. WOW!!!

  2. very nice! I love seeing other carvers for inspiration. Australia has some greats!

  3. Hi Kari. Thanks for showcasing some of Matty's work. I encourage your readers to follow the link and have a look at more of his work. The range and quality is truly remarkable.

    At the other extreme you might notice the garden seat that the seed pod is perched on in the second photo. The photo was taken in a hurry in my back yard before the object was packed off to an exhibition. The garden seat is made from the cross pieces of ancient wooden telephone poles. The wood is a very hard, indistinct eucalypt. It must have been newly made when the photo was taken because the wedged through tenons are still fresh. They are now the same weathered silver as the seat. So you can see the rough and the sublime in the same photo.
