Friday, November 14, 2008

Greetings from Berea!

Day number one of the Woodworking in America conference has come to a close and it was filled with informative seminars, tools that would like to come home with me, and lots of wide-eyed woodworkers. 

One of the best parts for me was the opportunity to speak one-on-one with talented plane makers including 

I also ran into a few bloggers you may recognize: Matt Vanderlist, Mitch Roberson, and Al Navas.  

More to come! Right now, it's 8:00 and this woodworker is whupped and heading to bed....


  1. Looking forward to your impressions. I am also wondering if Lie Nielsen used the event to roll out any new tools.

  2. Bed? 8 PM???? But...but...there are things to do, places to go! You missed the wood exhibit at the Berea Arts Council and the reading by Steve Flairty! :) Tomorrow, don't miss the annual student craft sale at the Acton Center...9 AM to 5 PM. (shameless plug...hey, I love these kids, they're trying to make something out of their creativity)

  3. Bill, I went back to the L-N booth for you and specifically asked them about their new line, so I'll post info about it when I get back home (I can't get used to this darn laptop!).

    Gin, we did get to see some of the students work in the craft center and it was excellent! We plan to come back to Berea in future since there are so many other things to see and do....and I'll bring some No-Doze.
    ; )

  4. Kari - looks like you had a great show and I see you got a pic of Philly complete with new hair-doo (aka the pony tail) I hope you had a go with some of his planes...I think I can spot the African Blackwood mitre plane in the pic which I hope you were able to lift.
    What's all this nonsense about crashing out at 8.00pm, as others have said, places to go, people to see, beer to drink, shavings to make etc etc...what a lightweight!!
    Anyway, enough of the leg pulling, glad you enjoyed the show - Rob

  5. Rob, Matt Vanderlist and I teased Phillip mercilessly--he's a good sport! The African Blackwood plane is gorgeous and I talked Phillip into presenting it in a fun way in some video footage (again...he's a good sport!).

    Yes, I am admittedly a lightweight. I'll have to pull some late-nighters in preparation for next year's conference. :o)

  6. Kari - Philly's one of the best. I'll be seeing him in a few weeks at my place as we're having a 'Winter Bash' which is a gathering of like minded woody nutters from UKWorkshop so no doubt we'll get a full account of all Philly's adventures in the New World. Some time ago I happened to mention that I needed a shoulder plane for a project and Phill said he'd make me and gratis. A couple of weeks later he turned up at my place with a beautiful Gordon style about that, good or what? - Rob

  7. Rob, I'd say that definitely qualifies Phil as "one of the best." ; )

  8. Kari,

    I didn't get to meet you there. I appreciate your coments on our blog and would like to meet you next time. Please come say hello I will be drinking with Philly!

    Best regards,
    Lost Art Press

  9. Hi John, I'll look for you at next year's conference!

  10. Hey does anyone know if the woman Deborah, who brought the Holtey planes has a blog or web site?

