Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Self-Imposed Honey-Do List

Those of you with a mate / spouse / significant other / mechanically-challenged-neighbor who gives you a honey-do list might think I'm in an enviable position.

My partner of 13 years has only ever given me two requests: change the batteries in the smoke detectors and pass the butter.

Other than that, I'm free to do whatever I want in my free time.

People ask me how I'm able to spend so much time in my workshop, and I always say "No kids and I ignore the weeds."

But there are other things I've been ignoring: a paint-peeled garage door that looks like it has scabies; a spindly metal gazebo that upended during a windstorm last March into our fenced-in perennial garden (the gazebo's "legs" point skyward at various angles like giant metal roadkill); green mold— nay, green shag carpeting—that clings to our white picket fence.

And most recently, I thought I'd be clever and build a lattice frame for our deck to provide shade, but instead it looks like an abandoned lean-to that's missing the leaning part. So, I'm planning to turn it into a simple pergola.

Which is to say, I'm taking an extended break from the blog to fix up the homestead before it's labeled "that creepy abandoned house in the middle of the block where you can hear the sound of sawing at all hours of the night."

So, carry on. I'll see you around the interwebs and you're welcome to friend me on facebook where I spend an inordinate amount of my work day.

In the meantime, here's a picture of our two dogs (far left and far right) and my aunt's two dogs. Because cute pictures of dogs always save a lame blog post.


Jonathan said...

"...pass the butter." if it was only that simple. Catch on the flip-side. (on the inter net, I have no idea what the flip-side is).


Dyami Plotke said...

You've always been more than generous with me about woodworking. If there's anything I can do to help you out with your home repairs, please let me know.

Tom Iovino said...

Yeah, Kari - why don't I just help you out there. You send me those carving tools cluttering up your shop, and I'll take good care of 'em here in mine! :-)

Kari Hultman said...

Jonathan, I *think* "catch you on the flip side" refers to records. Remember those? Ah, the good ol' days...

Thank you, Dyami. You're a good guy. :o)

And thank YOU, Tom, for your generous offer!

Nathan said...

I have a great power washer if you need it for your fence. I just got the green gunk off of our white siding this weekend with it. There's always something to do when you own a home.

will said...

Bench dogs?

Brian said...

"that creepy abandoned house in the middle of the block where you can hear the sound of sawing at all hours of the night."

Classic, not that my neighbors have any idea what you might be talking about...

Kari Hultman said...

Nathan, I've been thinking about getting one of those. Our fence is pretty long and I'm pretty lazy, so anything that makes chores go more quickly is welcome in my book.

Bill, the only one who likes to spend time with me in the shop is the tiny white dog (Sugar). Everyone else, including my partner, skedaddles when I don my shop apron.

Brian, nice to know I'm not the only one. ; )

Shannon said...

"creepy, abandoned house where you can hear sawing at all hours..." That is so funny. I'm starting to figure out why my neighbors all give me funny looks.

Bill Akins said...

Yeah I know how it is. I work 4 10 hour days so Saturday and Monday is shop days. Until summertime where I have to spend Saturday's on the honey-do list.

Bob said...

Oh gawd, if I ever actually made a list (in my other life when I'm at home, which isn't now) I think it would be too depressing. Nothing is falling down, thankfully, but there's a whack of 'stuff' to do.
Possibly not appropriate.

How about, don't hurt yourself.

The flip-side it is then.

Vic Hubbard said...

I'm almost in the same boat. I get an a lot more time than other guys seem to get, but the honey dos have been piling up. At least some are always somewhat shop related.

Sue Tolleson-Rinehart said...

Come back soon, Kari! You should see my garden -- the neighborhood children and cats treat it as The Secret Garden -- without jumping in to restore it, of course.

You need to try cats as workshop buddies! My beautiful girl Minnie Mouse relaxes, watching and supervising from a safe but engaged distance...

While you're away I will have fun reviewing all the lovely gifts you've given your readers...

Best wishes,

Sue Tolleson-Rinehart in Chapel Hill

Kari Hultman said...

Shannon, and if you start carrying your bags of sawdust out to your garbage can late at night, you'll really give them something to talk about.

Bill, if you skip church, you can have three days in a row of shop time. Not that I'd ever do that...

Bob, the joys of homeownership. :o) I don't know how some folks are able to keep their houses in such great shape all the time.

Vic, if only you lived closer....

Sue, it's always a good idea to work under the watchful eye of a shop dog or cat. They make really good dust collectors, too. ; ) My brother went to UNC Chapel Hill for graduate school. Very beautiful area.

Eric said...

I've been tackling that yard work monster, and the place actually looks nice...(OK, maybe it looks a little less creepy..lol)

Down here in Florida, unless you have air conditioning, it'll be ice cream and swimming pool time in another month.
Plus, I want to spend some time with my new grandson, Christian!

But when the honey-do list is complete and the weather cools a little, Look Out !

Megan Fitzpatrick said...

I'll miss reading your posts -- come back soon!

Anonymous said...


Come back soon! "Catch ya on the flip side" is trucker lingo for "see you on the return trip". At least that is what I grew up with. Anyway, would love to see a blog on the conquering of the mangled metal heap in your flower garden and your new pergola!
