Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tool Chest of Benjamin Seaton

The second edition of the book The Tool Chest of Benjamin Seaton is available for pre-order from the Astragal Press. 

Did I order my copy before posting this? You bet I did. :o)

This is a reproduction of the Seaton chest built by
the cabinetmakers at Colonial Williamsburg.


  1. Those of you who want to support the organization responsible for printing this book should join TATHS. You get the book for free if you are a member! And the membership costs about the same as the price of the book through Astragal.

  2. Hey Zach: what is TATHS (something, something, something historical society?) Anyone who can decode, can, of course, answer THX!!

  3. Tools And Trades Historical Society


  4. Thank you guys for pointing that out and for posting the link. Wish I had known before I ordered my copy....

  5. Kari, I wouldn't worry. I'm planning to buy a spare through Astragal, just in case... I've been wanting a copy of the 1st edition for some time and I can imagine the demand for the 2nd being huge at some point in the future.

    Buying from Astragal is great too, because then you're supporting a publisher who publishes books that I want to read.

  6. Thanks Kari! Been awaiting this for a LONG time. I've just about worn out my first edition. Can't wait to check out all the extra content in this one.

  7. Done! Thanks the heads up Kari!

  8. And....there goes my grocery money for the week.
