Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Not Too Late

You can still register for Woodworking in America, which is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Valley Forge, PA.

This time, they're also offering single-session registration, so you can pay just $35 for each session that you'd like to attend.

Admission is free to the Marketplace, where you can talk with tool manufacturers (and in some cases, try out their tools) and make some friends.

They also have a $100 shopping spree at the Woodworker's BookShop for the next woodworkers who register to attend the full conference.

Due to some unforseen bummers, I wasn't able to attend the WIA Design Conference in August, had to forgo a one-on-one class this month with Peter Galbert, and gave up a trip at Christmastime to Colonial Williamsburg.

But I'm not missing the WIA in Valley Forge! Hope to see you there. :o)


  1. I'll see you in Valley Forge. I managed to squeeze it into a priorly planned trip from Long Island to Rochester, and I can't wait. Hope to see you Friday morning.

  2. um, I pulled a muscle in my back whilst loading up benches today...your Vegas odds are improving (and I think you were already the odds-on favorite)

  3. I'm making the trip from MD. Hope to see you there and thank you in person for keeping such a wonderful blog.

    Nothing against the others, but I think the smart $$ is on you. Instead of wishing you luck (which I don't think you need) I am hoping you don't embarass the others too much!!

    Woody Medina

  4. Megan, you can't fool me. This is a ploy to make me feel like I'll win so I'll slack up, maybe just use one hand in the competition, give me a false sense of power. Uh uh. I'm not buying it!

    Woody, be sure to say hi. :o) I suspect the competition will be more of a photo finish. I don't really care who wins, just so I win a tool!

  5. Hi Kari - we'll expect a full report of the show, with pics...no pics or it didn't happen!
    Give em hell in the competiton - Rob
