Wednesday, June 10, 2009

3rd Ward

3rd Ward, an art facility in Brooklyn, contacted me about mentioning their woodworking department on my blog.  

I have never been to the facility, but I noticed on their website that Joel Moskowitz is teaching a Sharpening class on June 25 (read his write up here), so I asked him about the woodworking programs and instructors.  He told me that although he has never taught there before, he believes there is a need for this type of facility that provides basic training for designers and furniture makers.

He said that 3rd Ward rents shop space to woodworkers and professionals who are just starting out and that the shop contains the normal machinery and benches you would expect.

So if you live in the surrounding areas, this might be a really good opportunity for you.  If you have any questions about the woodworking programs, please email


  1. Kari,

    They also contacted me about a plug at Working Wood...I haven't yet because never being there I felt a little strange about it but did check out their site. Seems like quite a facility. Glad to see the mention takes away my own guilty feeling for not yet blogging it!
    As always, great work.

  2. Tom, I know what you mean. I can't promote something I don't believe in or that I know nothing about, but I posted it since Joel gave it a thumbs up. I trust his judgement.

    I suggest that if anyone is interested in this or in any school, they talk with some of the instructors and/or visit the place and make their own decision.

  3. I don't live in NYC (nor would I, given a choice) but that "Making Crappy Things Awesome" course looks like it would be a lot of fun.

