Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WIA Video

Here is a short 3.25 minute video with scenes from the WIA conference. Some of the interviews are hard to hear, but hey, it's my first video. Hope you like it!

In order of appearance:
Matt Vanderlist (press & show attendee)
Don Weber
Adam Cherubini
Mike Wenzloff (saw sharpening)
Jim Leamy (plane)
Phillip Edwards (plane)
John Economaki (jointmaster)
Adam Cherubini
Harrelson Stanley
Craig Stevens (press & show attendee)
Unknown (show attendee)
Blue Spruce (marking knives)
Don McConnell
Adam Cherubini (tool chest)
Jim Blauvelt & Harrelson Stanley
Adam Cheribini
Mark (I'm sorry, I didn't get your last name!) from Maryland (show attendee)
Michel Auriou (making a file)
Joe DesLauriers from North Carolina (show attendee)
Phillip Edwards
Don McConnell
Mike Siemsen from Minnesota (show attendee)
Adam Cherubini
Mike Hancock
Chris Schwarz
Frank Klausz
Adam Cherubini
Konrad Sauer
Roy Underhill
Frank Klausz, Roy Underhill, and Mike Dunbar


  1. What great fun, Kari!! Maybe next year:(

  2. "Hey Everett, they turned him into a TOAD"! Great song and it goes with it too. Looks like a great time had by all.


  3. Great work, Kari! Although I don't know how many men there were of "constant sorrow", except when they couldn't buy one of each from the Marketplace. ;) I'm sorry my husband and I turned you down for interviews--next year we'll be prepared!

  4. Now I'm even more envious.

    I chuckled at how you made it look like Adam Cherubini spent the whole weekend ripping that board.

  5. Nice editing job. I believe the person helping Adam was a little worried about being sawed in half!

  6. VC,

    Nice job on the video, I have seen other pictures but yours made it a little more personal.



  7. There was so much going on at the conference, not just at the seminars, but at the marketplace as well. And I think you can tell from the video that it wasn't that crowded, even though there were about 400 of us, meaning there were lots of opportunities to try out the handtools.

    EMBO, it was nice to meet you and your husband--I'll interview you next year. : )

    I wish I could have found a way to post a higher res version of the video. It's crystal clear in imovie, but pretty fuzzy on the blog. If anyone knows how to post a better version, please let me know. Thanks!

  8. Wonderful video, Kari. Very nicely edited. Where did the great music come from?

    Cheers --- Larry Marshall

  9. that music is from "o brother where arrt thou" lol. Look at all the hand tools! talk about intimidating! great video!

  10. "O Brother Where Art Thou" has an excellent soundtrack. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it.

  11. Great video Kari! Love that music too.

    It was a very pleasing "first time" video. Impressive!

    Since I don't use Blogger, I don't know if there is a higher resolution answer for video. One thing you might try, in your copious free time, is the resolution options on YouTube. Then, link or embed the YouTube clip.

  12. Thanks, Bob! I took your advice and tried to upload to YouTube, but I received notification that it was denied due to a copyright violation. Apparently, I'm not allowed to use the song w/o permission. Ooops.

  13. Kari

    A great pleasure to meet you. I love the video. I actually took a 6 foot shaving with my new Michio Tasai plane so I am pretty stoked. (I have this "thing" about all things hand planned). Keep blogging


  14. Kari
    Great video - many thanks! And yes, I laughed out loud when I saw my "plane temptation" scene :)
    Great to meet you - keep up the good work,

  15. George and Philly, it was great to meet both of you! George, I suffer from the same "thing" regarding handplanes. ; )
    Philly, your plane temptation scene was awesome! I still giggle when I watch it.

  16. Great movie, Kari! You're already a pro.
