Saturday, September 29, 2012

Honing Gouges Video

As I'm working on the carving for my gothic stool, I decided to show you the technique I use to keep my gouges sharp. This is not the only way to hone your tools, it's just the one that I use.

I posted a short write up about this two years ago, but sometimes it's easier to explain in video format.

To view this in HD, click here.


  1. Thanks Kari. I'm going to use this technique as soon as I regrind the bevel on the gouge I chipped the other day digging out a broken screw. Solid stuff.

  2. I was just honing some of my gouges last night actually, while working on a new carved box side. I like the trick you use for the inside curve, something I've been ignoring for lack of a decent solution.

    Thanks for posting the video, I think I'll try that next time I'm down in the garage. I've got just what I need.


  3. Very nicely done, Kari! Carving is the next skill on my to-do list. I'll be referencing this video again.

  4. Great info Kari. Very well done. You have an excellent voice for these videos also. Very professional sounding. I could see some Lie-Nielsen vids in your future.

  5. Kari,

    You did an excellent job making the video. (I had to go back and pause the video to try to see if you were using one of the Time Warp Tool Works wooden bench dogs to form the strop.)


  6. Tom, digging out a broken screw with a gouge? That's what your wife's kitchen knives are for. heh.

    Badger, your carvings are looking great!

    Mark, carving is addictive. You have been warned!

    Thanks, Jamie. :o)

    Tico, huh?

    Chris, those were just regular old dowels. Why take the chance of ruining one of your fine dogs? ; )

  7. Next up: How to sharpen and hone your veining gouge??????

  8. Perfect! I was just trying to figure this out.

  9. Fun stuff.

    I sure I wish I had access to this kind of info some twenty years ago when I first started stropping edges. Mind you, I guess we didn't really have much in the way of the "net" back then, and our wonderful presenter was still in middle school. (my best guess anyway)

    I'm reminded of a time when my wife happened to notice a piece of jeweller's rouge I was using at the time and asked, "What on earth are you doing with that old chocolate bar??"
    She didn't believe me either when I told her what I was using it.
    I think I recall saying at least once,
    "No really dear, I'm NOT going to eat it!"

    We've come a long way...

  10. "for". "Using it for".
    I suck at proofreading it seems.

  11. Dan, thanks for the idea!

    Marilyn, glad you found it useful. :o)

    Bob, things sure have changed from 20 years ago. It was really difficult to find information and there weren't nearly as many woodworking books available. Oh and thank you for the compliment, but I'm 48. ; )

  12. Thanks Kari, now I don't have to make a video just like this, I can just send people this link when I get the "how do I sharpen my carving gouges" question. Apparently, my snarky answer of "don't sharpen them at all, hone them instead" isn't going over really well.

  13. Impressive Kari - and I agree with Jamie, your voice is perfect. What compound are you using? I've been using the green stuff from LV, and have been happy with it, but I'm curious about other alternatives. Thanks,

  14. Shannon, I think this might be one of the things that keeps people from trying to learn to carve--how to keep your tools sharp. I'm one of those weirdos who actually like to sharpen and hone my tools.

    Thanks, Dan. That is a white compound, but I don't remember where I got it. I found a chart online that said that the green rouge is the finest. The white is not quite as fine so it cuts faster but still polishes the metal.
