Friday, June 15, 2012

All Roy, All The Time, Now on DVD!

This news warrants coming out of my sabbatical. 
Roy Underhill's DVDs are now available for purchase here.


  1. And a joyous noise was heard across the land!

  2. HALLELUJAH!!! I'm gonna go broke on these, but I can't wait to get them here! Thanks for the heads up Kari. :)

  3. You have to be kidding me!!!
    This is beyond my wildest dreams - Roy told me these shows never were saved. where in heck were they found and hopefully there will be more. I need to sell some tools to support my new Underhill DVD habit

  4. I knew I'd be rewarded for checking back here.
    Thanks Kari.
    More stuff for the "Christmas list". Bwaahahaa!

  5. That was indeed a good news for those who really love Roy Underhill. He inspire a lot of people until now.
