Thursday, March 29, 2012

Questions From the Lighthearted Woodworker

Christopher Landy, the Lighthearted Woodworker, is starting a new series on his blog in which he features and poses questions to a variety of woodworking bloggers. Chris invited me to take part in his series and sent me some fun and interesting questions. He also asked that I send him a "unique" photo of me in my shop.  My answers and photo are below.  Read Chris' entire blog post here where he explains his intentions.  And check his site often for upcoming bloggers in his series.

12 Lighthearted Questions for Kari Hultman, The Village Carpenter

1- Was there a woodworker in your family growing up? Nope. My Dad is a retired nuclear projects engineer. I learned at a very young age not to ask him what he did for a living, because he’d tell me. In engineer’s details.

2- Who is your biggest woodworking influence? Probably Chris Schwarz. I discovered his blog soon after I started mine, and his enthusiasm for and research into traditional woodworking helped steer me in the right direction.

3- What book would you buy as a gift for a novice woodworker? If he/she were interested in working with hand tools, I would suggest Country Furniture by Aldren Watson. I haven’t read many power tool books, but the book that got me started in woodworking was The Complete Manual of Woodworking by Albert Jackson and David Day.

4- Does being a graphic artist influence your woodworking? Definitely. Principles in design are found in all the arts and crafts: balance, composition, negative space, pattern, hierarchy, contrast...

5- What flavor ice cream? Turkey Hill’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!

6- You seem to use a lot of pine, which most woodworkers won't touch.  What's your favorite wood to work with? I do love pine, especially the smell. My favorite wood is Pennsylvania cherry. Its workability, warmth, and depth are superb.  When it’s finished, it glows.  Plus, I can get it for a buck fifty a board foot. I’m never moving from this area.

7- I am a big fan of the drawer hanging jig you blogged about.  What is your favorite Jig? It’s a jig that holds thin and small boards based on a design I found in an old woodworking book. I wrote a blog post about it.

8- Do you compost your sawdust? I use it to line the walkways between my raised flower beds, and my dog (Daisy) uses it as a cloak of invisibility.

9- What is the 1st thing you do when walk into the shop? This is silly, but I’ll often walk through my shop with my arms outstretched, looking from side to side, ala Vanna White. It’s sort of the way I “hug” my shop. Crud. Did I just write that out loud?

10- What is the most complicated joint you have ever attempted? It’s not a complicated joint, but it was challenging for me—the through dovetail and tenons on my new workbench. The fit had to be such that the joints would hold the top tightly but could be pulled apart for transport. And look pretty.

11- What would woodworkers in the blogosphere be most surprised to learn about you? I once stood in line for two and half hours to get Norm Abram’s autograph.

12-  What project is on your bucket list? There are a number of antique tools that I plan to reproduce. Some involve engraving and inlay, neither of which I’ve ever tried, so I’m very excited.

Regarding the photo: I’ve been asked several times how I keep my nails looking so nice, so here is my secret. 


  1. You are one in a million Kari.
    And good luck to Christopher. I'm going to check out his blog.

  2. I ALWAYS wondered what the secret was to those beautiful nails!!

  3. KARI!! I LOVE your nail care solution :)!!!! Love the post and thank you for sharing... I also think of my workshop as my good old friend and sometimes when I have no projects, I go downstairs to the garage to say hi to the tools anyway!!


  4. I like that photo.
    It is so "Kari Nation." :)

  5. The hug...nice. Now, if you were to do it in a flowing gown like Vanna White...

  6. You're a HOOT,(Kari) HULTMAN!
    Enjoyed your blog, the answers, and the slideshow.
    I have always found that a good "hand sanding" job, especially in small coves, takes care of trimming my nails. And a portion of my fingerprints on the ends of the fingers!
    Frank Eastman

  7. Great answers and photo, Kari. As always, your a model online woodworker. Thanks for spreading the word and the love.

  8. Great idea, Kari. I never thought of doing my nails with hand tools.

    Keep 'em coming, Kari. Your blog is the best because your work is the best. I check here every day.

  9. I'm not going to ask what you use on your legs!!! : )

  10. Nice writeup. Ax in a stump is a bad idea, tough on the edge.


  11. Mmmm I spy Granfors bruks. Nice. This written from the glorious west coast of Norway, your motherland!

  12. Kari,

    Where in the world are you able to pick up cherry for $1.50 a BF? Or is that a trade secret?

  13. Stephen, I've heard that grit and grime that are embedded in the stump can chip the edges of the axes. I store them in their leather sheaths on a pegboard. The sacrifice of plunging them into the stump was for the sake of comedy.

    Charlie, you are correct! I have two Gransfors Bruks axes, in fact. Thank you for stopping by. :o)

    Daniel, there are two places where I can find it and I have others on the list to try. You can get it from the Amish, but I've gotten most of my cherry from a guy with a portable sawmill in Mt. Holly Springs. Shoot me an email if you would like his information:
