Monday, January 2, 2012

Weightlifting, Woodworker-Style

How I spent New Year's Day:

(And there's another stack around the corner.)


  1. *gasp*!
    Stacks of lumber give me chills.

  2. That's a beautiful sight! That really is some nice looking stuff. Can't wait to see the bench.

  3. Kari, I'm still feeling the effects of loading ~175bf of 8/4 Ash into my basement shop.

    Looking forward to watching your build and Marc's build happen sorta-taneously!

  4. So.... Those are 1x6s at the bottom of the left stack?

    Being so knot free, they must either be basswood, or you are missing an arm and a leg.

    Fine looking wood!!!

  5. Kari,

    Are you starting out each piece the same as the top? Flattening one side with handplanes, then running through the planer? I was lucky, in that all my lumber was so dry, there was absolutely no movement after my initial milling.

  6. Bob, there's nothing quite as exciting as a freshly-milled stack of lumber, is there?

    Jamie, I got the cherry from Hearne Hardwoods and it's gorgeous. The maple is from Groff's and it's very nice, too.

    Adam, ibuprofen is our friend. :o)

    Bob, the boards on the bottom left are 12/4 cherry. They're 10" wide and 60" long. All the other boards are either 12/4 or 8/4 soft maple.

    Vic, I had to flatten all the cherry boards by hand (two for the top and one for the leg vise), but I face jointed all the maple on my power jointer before running them through the planer. So far the cherry is still dead flat, and I milled that about a week ago.

  7. Wow, very exciting!

    Did you already mill that? Hard to tell in the picture.

  8. Joe, I only flattened the outside faces. All the boards are cut to rough length and width, and I'll still need to mill them to final thickness.

  9. Yay for shop time. I got to work on my bench today too! I do declare, those are the cutest little ol' stickers I ever did see! Looking forward to seeing this come together!

  10. I've got a stickered stack of poplar that I'm about to put to good use, but it pales in comparison to those treasures! Nice stuff!

  11. I eagerly await your progress updates. I hope this is not one of those "deceptive" 1/10 scale workbenches!

  12. Every time I read your blog I find a new idea I can steal from you. I have a very short bench and it never occurred that I could edge joint a long board on my saw benches. The Roubo looks like its coming along nicely BTW. I really enjoy all of your posts Kari and feel like I learn a lot from reading them. Thank you!

  13. Tom, keep it up with your bench build!

    Robert, I'm spoiled living so close to such great lumberyards. Yea for PA!

    Steve, I have the bruises and sore muscles to prove that this is a full-size bench. :o)

    Thanks, James!
