Monday, October 10, 2011

For Your Viewing Pleasure

For two years in a row, John Sindelar has packed up and transported a portion of his vast collection of rare and unusual tools for us to view at WIA. These are pieces that we might never see otherwise and I'm grateful for the chance to see them in person.  This year, John brought with him a number of highly decorated tool chests.  The detail and craftsmanship were jaw-dropping.  And drop my jaw did.


  1. That horse head handle is awesome!

  2. I'm so glad you posted these! I'm sad to report that I had no time to visit the museum :-(

  3. If a craftsman turned up at your home with one of those chests you would expect some pretty special work. Imagine working with them.......yummy

  4. I love those miniature workshops. Are there more?

  5. Shawn, isn't that cool? I've seen that in a book somewhere.

    Megan, it's no wonder--you were running at top speed all weekend!

    Paul, and this is only a fraction of his entire collection. He has rooms filled with tools like these. I hope to see the whole collection someday.

    upriver, those were made by David Brookshaw who makes reproduction tools in miniature.

    Robin, I'd be afraid to work with something as pretty as those tool chests.

    Joe, the miniature shop was also made by David Brookshaw, a contemporary maker. I don't know if his work is displayed anywhere.

  6. Joe, I just googled David's name and got his site: You can see a few of his pieces there. Fantastic work.

  7. Thanks, Kari. I'm mentioning him in a blog post.
