Monday, February 21, 2011

Why, I oughta...

Frugal and Old School.

I've been called both by a certain partner who mocks me for wearing socks with holes and sneakers with soles worn paper-thin.

Ah, but I sure have some nice tools.  We all have our priorities.

Which is why, when my 15-year-old plastic desk calendar met with an abrupt demise last week due to the uncharacteristic actions of a mild mannered graphic designer who momentarily lost her cool at work, I was reluctant to replace it with a newfangled, electronic gadget with which to record my daily activities.

My partner incorrectly surmised that this event was "the universe beckoning me to join the 21st-century."

What a bunch of hooey.

So, I made tracks to the nearby office supply store to buy a plastic base replacement for the loose calendar pages.

Two cardboard boxes of replacements were on the shelf. To my dismay, I discovered that one had been torn open and was completely empty. The other box was mangled and contained only the plastic base—the U-shaped metal tangs that are used to lock the calendar pages in place were missing.

Not a problem.  I had frugally, nay, wisely saved the metal tangs from my broken calendar base.

I considered purchasing the incomplete product, when I suddenly remembered, "Hey...I'm a woodworker, by gum!"

Back on the shelf went the battered box. And I went home. To my shop. Where I made my own darn calendar base from a piece of cherry.

I saved $10 and I have a much prettier desk calendar to greet me at work each day. It will look spiffy next to my rolodex holder.

The universe was imploring me to get with the times? Horsefeathers!


  1. Nice, Kari. Looks like you're living it up in the 20th century. Absolutely no rush, but whenever you do make it to the 21st century come see me. I'll save you a seat. ;-)

    On a serious note, looks like a nice, quick way to beautify your desk.

  2. If you're gonna buck the future, at least you do it well!

  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Luddite. I rather prefer it to the other option of being a Normite...Oh and nice desk calender.

  4. Very nice! Much better than that plastic black base!

  5. very kewl desk calender....will it sit next to your new iPad...;-)

  6. That is a beautiful desk calendar. Probably won't break either if another co-worker gives it a toss. If it does, may I suggest you make the next one out of metal? lol

  7. I love being cheap!!!

  8. Very nice, Kari, but couldn't you use that *ahem* Ipad for scheduling purposes? I'm sure there's an app for that. :)

  9. Did you make the new one too heavy to throw across the office? :)

  10. This took all of a half hour to make—just a chunk of wood cut to size with a profile along the edges made by a moulding plane. Makes me wonder what else I can replace in my house that's made of plastic.....

    It's true about the iPad. I guess I'm not exactly a full-on luddite. :D

    Vicki, I certainly hope that I, er, I mean, that graphic designer doesn't break this calendar base, but making a metal one is a great suggestion if it should happen again. haha

  11. I do like the heft of this wooden one, Bob. Perhaps I should forewarn the nincompoops around here that they'd better not get outta line!

  12. Beautiful, Kari. Makes me wish I needed a flip calendar :-)

    Cheers --- Larry

  13. Sweet, Kari! Good for you thumbing your nose at the universe.

  14. Horsefeathers indeed !
    The replacement fills a universal void created by the untimely departure of the old calendar base.
    That cherry base is an excellent upgrade.
    Thanks Kari.

  15. I still use a Daytimer even though I have a Blackberry which is very capable at keeping me organized. But a Rolodex? :)

    BTW, beautiful calendar base.

  16. I still use my Filofax simply because I like the spiffy leather case. And it never needs charging. Now, after seeing your desk calendar, I might amble down to our supply room and see if we have any 2011 flip calendars (then break into Chris's moulding plane stash!).

  17. Good one Kari. We woodworkers have to be cautious about being dragged too far into the future. Heck, I still use a No. 2 pencil and the only "I" I own keeps my ears apart.
    Enjoyed your witty tale. Someday though you will have to come clean about how your 15 year old calender really got broken.
    Thanks for brightening up an otherwise laborious day at work... oh bother.

  18. What's really nice about the calendar you made is that it's already June 2nd where you are, and probably a heck of a lot warmer than where the rest of us are, still stuck in February.

  19. Hi Kari - nothing wrong with thin soles on your trainers, but holes in your socks is a 'no no'
    I guess you won't be replacing your house brick sized mobile any time soon?...or the Filofax? - Rob

  20. Larry, everyone needs a flip calandar. ; )


    Eric, I like the way you think. :o)

    Jeff, in fact I have TWO roldex holders. Yeah. I'm THAT organized.

    Megan, any reason to break into Chris' moulding plane stash is a good reason. Well done, you.

    Jim, I was having an exceptionally poopy day when I broke my calendar. It's been, oh, about 9 years since I last lost my cool.

    A.J., I think all calendars should be filled with June dates only. :D

    Rob, you are not too far off the mark with your guesses, my friend.

  21. We should also celebrate any useful object that's not made of plastic. I know I do.

  22. Will the fact that you made it and it's wood make you more or less likely to subject it to a stress test?

  23. Ha! I also have nice tools and holey socks. :)

  24. Nice base!
    How could you live for 15 years with something made of ugly plastic on your desk? ;)

  25. Good For You! It's beautiful.
