Monday, April 5, 2010

Patching and Shaping

Sometimes it helps to have a friend who gently reminds you about the long-ignored, incomplete projects in your shop to give you the push you need to kick it into high gear.

As I recall, Shannon's words were something like "Hey, how 'bout finally finishing that sawbuck table that's been sitting in your shop for over a year!"

Since then, I've replaned the boards for the drawer so they're square, cut the grooves for the drawer bottom, glued up the drawer, patched all the gaps from having fixed the drawer, shaped the drawer supports, cut the stopped dadoes in the drawer supports, and glued the runners onto the drawer.

More images to follow in another post. Must....keep....moving.


  1. Nice lookin' wood: all shimmery wavey. :)


  2. You're a force, Kari!!! Love the table!!

  3. It is lovely. Why is it called a sawbuck table? Just curious.

  4. Gye, that's curly cherry. It's gorgeous, but it's not the easiest wood to work. There will be a LOT of sanding before I can put any finish on it.

    Thanks, Vic!

    Thanks, Anon!

    Brian, a sawbuck refers to two x-shaped pieces with a stretcher in between that's used to cut logs. It's that shape that gives the sawbuck table its name. Good question!

  5. Hi Kari - I did sort of wonder what had happened to this one.

    I thought for a second it had all gone pear shaped and you'd stuffed it through the bandsaw...

    Not that I would ever do anything like that! - Rob

  6. Great looking table, can't wait to see it with the finish on it.


  7. Great now I sound like that pushy kind of friend who is always nagging you about things left undone. I'm not sure if I am the pot or the kettle here but if I remember correctly that comment was made just after I finished my Roubo that I took over a year to build...maybe I should heed my own advice. Looks great Kari, nice job covering up all the mistakes that only a fellow woodworker would notice.

  8. Rob, nah, it's been there all along. I'm just easily distracted and move on to other projects.

    Joey, me too! I'm still experimenting with finishes, though. A friend just gave me new ideas to try.

    Shannon, hee hee. I should have added a disclaimer that I've been known to exaggerate (a lot!) for the sake of a good story. ; ) Your "nudge" was much more gentle in actuality.

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to patch gaps in my dovetails on occasion. Your work is always so beautiful . . . it's oddly comforting to know that it's sometimes not quite perfect!
