Wednesday, October 28, 2009

WTO Tip: Implements of Torture

If you missed the Wood Talk Online show last night, check out episode #61 on Marc Spagnuolo's site or Matt Vanderlist's site. They discussed interesting, useful, and funny information that they found on the internet, fielded questions, and invited me back to offer another woodworking tip, which can be heard at the end of the show. Thanks guys!


  1. Wow Kari, great broadcast voice! So now lets see . . . great voice, easy on the eyes, knowledgeable, good personality and funny. So you have Norm beat 4 out of 5. I can't wait until I can settle down on a Saturday afternoon and watch "The Village Carpenter" on PBS

  2. Agreed! Thanks for the great tip Kari!

  3. MontanaMark, you don't think Norm is funny? haha ; )

    Thanks, Marc!

  4. I really like your announcer voice. That bit felt very much like something out of 1950's radio. Not the part about the phat girl and softball, though.

  5. Hi Kari - how you can equate dentists with something as theraputic as woodwork is beyond me!
    Dentists belong in the 16th century...and "nobody expects the Spanish Inquistion" - Rob

  6. Vic, better a 50's radio announcer than a church lady, is what I always say. ; )

    Rob, you don't find having needles stuck in your gums and your teeth drilled relaxing??
