Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Welcome to my woodworking library. Feel free to peruse the shelves and inquire about any book that catches your fancy. Just pipe down. It is a library, after all.

I'd like to thank Bill Stankus for the idea of posting one's library on one's blog. THANKS, BILL!
I mean...thanks, Bill.

You may notice that these books are in no particular order; they are intentionally random. Whenever I have to hunt for a book, I love to stumble upon one that I had forgotten about, take it from the shelf and leaf through it. It's like finding a $20 bill on the sidewalk, without the inconvenience of having to push aside the little old lady who's standing on it.


  1. Using a loud outside voice - "Hey Thats my $20!"

  2. When are you going to write a book so I can put it in my library?

  3. Is that TWO copies of Underhill's The Woodwright's Guide to Working Wood with Wedge and Edge!? 8^D

  4. I think you are missing one very important set of books. In my humble opinion, almost all these books derive from Tage Frid's books which I think are the starting point for most classic woodworking. I like the rest of them and also have most of the same ones. Thanks,

  5. For my list I'd have to go to the library just list ISBN 684. We don't have a bookstore in town, but we can borrow some fine pressed pulp!
    Thank you for showing some shelf.

  6. Looks a lot like my collection.
    I've always loved books. Unfortunately I've got several lifetimes of post-it-notes stuck in mine. Sound familiar? A person can dream, right? For me it's a lot like collecting wood...you know the piece that needs just the right project.

    I'll second the suggestion you write a book. I think you would be good at it.
    Thanks for sharing your library.

  7. I am beginning to think you have a fascination with the Shaker style. ;)

    Thanks for the heads up on some titles that I was not familiar with.

  8. Oh dear. These books all look sorta new. We have to get some 19th Century bindings in there to balance things out. Of course, With Hammer In Hand is one of the all time classic must-reads for anyone who works wood, or with their hands.

    I think Library Thing will end up as my depository once I have whittled down the pack to a reasonable size. But I have to say, yours are much more colorful and prettier.


  9. Kari - good collection of woody info. No Krenov though?...an interesting and informative style of writing, I find his books entertaining. Almost obligitory on this side of the pond is Joyce's 'Techniques of Furniture Making'...well worth getting hold of copy if you can, but you may need to shoulder barge several old dears of the sidewalk to retrieve a few $20 bills! - Rob...who is already picturing the scene.

  10. Great concept for a post! worth copying on day!


  11. I only know a few of these books. How about posting some of your thoughts about your books: which are your favorites, probably by category. Any that weren't worth your time? Don't need full reviews, just the quick-nickel tour through these shelves.

    I know that people who love books, also love to talk about them, so go ahead!

  12. Which book contain most pictures?

  13. Note to self: Never pick up a $20 off the sidewalk within view of Dave Griessmann.

    Frontier Carpenter, I just might someday! I do have an idea, actually.

    Joseph, that is a definite possibility. Sometimes folks buy me books as gifts and I already have them. If there are two, I'll post another giveaway.

    Terry, thank you for the recommendation. I have never read his books. I do keep a list of books that people recommend to me and add them to my library.

    Mrchuckbeck, I'm with you! Would you believe I have 4 libraries within a 5 mile radius of my house.

    JimK, I know what you mean. I actually removed some sticky notes so the photos would look a little nicer.

    Bill, I'm very fond of Shaker. Simple but elegant (imho).

    Gary, oh boy, sorry to disappoint! I have been adding some older books as I find them in dusty old bookstores. But I will look forward to seeing your vast collection. :o)

    Rob, I do have one book on Krenov, but haven't read it yet. Thanks for the book suggestion. I will add it to my list!

    Joel, let's see your library!

    Justsalt, some time ago, I did write about 10 of my favorites on Feb. 24, but not all of them. I think my absolute favorite is Aldren Watson's Country Furniture.

    Jonas, I do love the picture books! The fancy handplane and unusual tools books probably have the most.

  14. Hey Joseph, nice one! There are two Roy books. I'll have a giveaway, just as soon as I think up a REALLY hard question.

  15. If I could check out OLD WAYS OF WORKING WOOD and HANDTOOLS that would be cool. I am getting into carpentry, juast the only downside to that is I have no opportunity to practice woodworking yet, for the lack of space and/or time provided to me.

  16. Hey Kari--
    Have you ever looked at LibraryThing?

    I'm a huge bibliophile, and I have about 2/3 of my library cataloged there:

    Might be cool for your woodworking books!

  17. Kari, I'm watching and waiting!

  18. Hey Kari, nice post...
    Might I recommend one for the shelves?

    Bet you can guess!

    ( www.tomfidgen.blogspot.com )

  19. That is quite the library! I am jealous!!!

  20. I just requested a bunch from your library from my neighborhood library and plan to enjoy going through them.
    You have a real nice selection.
    Thanks Kari!

  21. Michael, Old Ways of Working Wood is an informative book that covers: felling a tree, splitting wood, some workbench jigs and techniques, sawing, hewing, boring, chiseling--and lots of things that support the title. It's a good book and well written.

    Classic Hand Tools by Garrett Hack is a beauty. He covers measuring and marking tools, axes, adzes, drawknives, froes, chisels, gouges, and many others. The photos are lovely and Hack is a very good writer.

    Kim, thanks for the link. Friends of mine use that site. I will check it out!


    Tom, definitely! I need to buy a copy of your book. It looks excellent. :o)

    Buckboard, you could always make up a list to hand out when people ask what you'd like for your birthday and holidays. ; )

    Eric, enjoy! Libraries are a great resource. Glad to hear you have a bunch of ww books at yours.

  22. Kari,
    As a librarian, I very much appreciate the fact that your books are in random order.

    Serendipity is a wonderful thing, if a bit messy at times!

  23. Jonelle, I'm glad to hear that the disorderliness didn't make you break out in a cold sweat and start biting your nails! If you'd like to borrow any of my books, just let me know. ; )

  24. What a grand idea! When visiting someone's office or house, I often find myself torn between staring at their books and engaging in conversation. Thank you.

  25. Nice post Kari, I want to pull one or two of those out for a flick through. Did you ever get a copy of Sturt's the wheelrights shop? It is just magnificent. isbn 0521091950

    I didn't spot a copy of my book on there, would you like one as a freebie?

  26. Nick, I'm with you and love to see others' books—especially woodworking books. :o)

    Robin, I would LOVE to have a copy of your book!
    I do not have the Wheelwright's Shop, although other people have recommended it to me. Thanks for the reminder; I'll add it to my list.
