Sunday, March 1, 2009

Making & Mastering Wood Planes

Good news for those of you who have been unable to find David Finck's authoritative book on making Krenov-style handplanes at a less than exhorbitant cost.

David has announced that the book will be published by Hickory Ridge Press with an estimated release date the end of March and will be available for purchase at Woodcraft, Highland Hardware, Lee Valley, and David's site.

The new cover price is $24.95. Quite a bit less than the current rate [for a new copy] of $120+.


  1. Kari - That's great news! I was lucky enough to get my copy before the prices went through the roof. As good as the Web is for learning, for me nothing beats a book. Now if we could just get some other books republished...

  2. That's great news. I have been waiting for it.

  3. This is one of those books I had flagged on my Amazon wish list a few years ago when the price wasn't bad and then when I later went back to just get it myself, noticed the price had skyrocketed to something just plain silly (for a paperback book that wasn't 100 years old, anyway).

    Great news, Kari!

  4. I might just buy another copy myself!

  5. I got the 1st printing for about 18 bucks. It was in black and white. Then he had a 2nd in color. Didn't realize they got so pricey, I would have sold mine. LOL!


  6. Kari, seeing your "hanging tool box" over on Fine Woodworking has inspired me to get out my copy of David Finck's book and have a go at a wooden bodied plane. Looks like you've done a few. I was looking for a local class but to no avail.

    I was willing to go off for a weekend to learn plane building so maybe I'll tell the sweetie I'm gone to class and hide out in the shop. Hope she doesn't check up on me. I'll have to stock pile food supplies. Wish me luck.

  7. Good luck, Will! Have fun making planes. If you want to get a revised edition of David's book, he sells them from his website:
