Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Happened to the Links?

In an effort to organize my link list and make it easier to find what you're looking for, I set up another blog for this sole purpose.  You can find a link to the new blog in the sidebar.

Since Blogger is a free service, I don't have the option to include another page, so this seemed like the best solution.

In upcoming days, I'll try to make things even easier to navigate.  

If I inadvertently deleted someone from the list, please let me know.


  1. You didn't forget me.

    You added me! :)

  2. Ethan,

    How did you do it? Did you have to sharpen all her planes or something? ;)

  3. Haha! I knew I'd forget someone. You've been added, Chuck. ; )

  4. I believe that was our agreement, Chuck!

    Kari, no need to remove the blades from the planes; just send them lock, stock, and barrel. If you'd be so kind as to box them up and ship them to the following address...


  5. I see no reference to the Blokeblog on your list Kari...teddy's definitly going to get thrown out the pram now!
    Ref books from the previous post. Jim Kingshott's book is excellent and I would have to include Robert Inghams new book 'Cutting Edge Cabinetmaking'...some of the stuff in there is just beyond belief - Rob

  6. Are you sure, Rob? Might want to check again. ; )

  7. I stand corrected...apologies - Rob

  8. Rob--MY apologies! I was just kidding around with you. I added your site after you made the comment about not being on the list. (But, I had intended to add you anyhow--just never got around to it).
