Thursday, November 20, 2008

Japanese Saw Lovers...This One's For You


  1. KARI! Please tell me that's you! I laughed soo hard!

    Sorry I couldn't be in Berea. Sounds like it was a great time. I would have really enjoyed meeting you all in person. Great post!!

  2. Why yes, it is me, Adam. I find that not only do you need to have the right setting for your saw teeth, it helps to have the right setting for your sawing.

  3. You have risen even higher in my esteem. Nothing like a little ambiance. LOL

  4. Nice one, Kari.

    One stroke, one sip of wine? I think I may have played that game at some time in the past. (One more advantage of hand tools over machines!)

    So after the wine, did you evaluate the quality of the cut by candlelight?

  5. Kari

    I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and really enjoy it. It and a couple of others has gotten me working with hand tools again - and realllly enjoying it. But come on, an open flame and sawdust don,t mix, just like wine and power tools don't mix. So drink the wine, douse the flame and take a hammer to the Manilow CD ;)

    Thanks again
    Montana Mark

  6. That is one romantic sawing set-up. Silly us with our overhead flourescent lights!

  7. Forget about buying better tools and taking classes to improve your skills. Wine goggles and inspection by candlelight work wonders.

    My next video will feature The Carpenters as background music.

  8. That's awesome. That's what happens in my head every time I pull out one a hand plane and make shavings just for fun. Except instead of wine it's Vault.

  9. LMAO! You are too damn funny girl!

    Flowers, candelight and even a nice wine.

    You sure know how to treat a saw.

  10. That was like nails to my ears!

  11. Kari, look at you! You can do videos now! So, once you get done amusing us, will you post useful stuff? I mean, how about a video of you using your way cool new molding planes? Video shop tour? What fun. BTW, I don't know if you check out LumberJocks, but I've posted a few things on there in the last few days. You might like some of it.
    Take Care,

  12. Corey, I'm having way too much fun with this camcorder to stop now. I'll try to post more helpful videos in future, but I'm sure there will be some goofy ones in the mix.

    I checked out your photos on LJ--the FLW bar stool is especially cool! The bed is really handsome, but even more impressive is the likeness of the cat made from wood. I applaud you. : )

  13. Thanks, that cat thought I made it just for him. He's been with us for 15 years, and I'll let him get away with just about anything.
    Glad you liked the stools.

  14. Hilarious! I was expecting to see you pull out a cheese plate at some point and start slicing through some Monterey Pepper Jack cheese... ;-]


  15. How about playing Chop Sticks with a nail gun?

  16. Hi Kari.........I've enjoyed your writing's and video on the conference. Interesting how we all see differently.

    OH.....Manilow??...Michael Franks must be next up in the juke box :^)


  17. You crack me up! That's some funny stuff!

  18. That's the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Sawing will never be the same.

    But you may be on to something: If we all worked by candle light and had some wine, we would not have to worry so much about those 1/64 gaps!

  19. Come on Kari, Beethoven,Mozart, or even Chopin would have gone much better. You know, something from the period. Next, we'll see ya dressing like Adam C. Maybe even that hat you made me!


  20. Scott (VI), I was determined to give the readers what they demanded. And that was Barry.

    I think you should dress in period costume and I'll film YOU for my next video. How 'bout it?

  21. Oh Kari! LOLOL! I expect nothing less than the well scripted short you've produced. I'm thinking Cannes next year:D

  22. I loved it! I'm a big fan of Japanese saws, but I think my video would look more like a Buddhist monastery or something. Sawing is so zen.

    I'm not even sure what that means. :^)
