Saturday, October 13, 2007

Progress Report

Two burly male friends came over yesterday to move the behemoth bookcase upstairs. Today, I installed the shiplapped and beaded back and moved it into its final position. Next, I'll build the crown molding and once that's added to the top, I can cross this one off my project list.

Incidentally, that flag hanging on the wall belonged to my great grandparents, immigrants from Sweden. It's a pre-1912 flag with 45 stars and I'm sure it meant a great deal to them.


  1. Call your Mother!

    Fruit loop

  2. This beats out my iPod as Best Gift Ever!!!!

    It's much more beautiful in person. And my books are screaming to climb aboard.

  3. I already read that. UGH!
    fruit loop

  4. Shazza, thanks!
    LOML, you're welcome!
    Mom, quit commenting on my blog!

  5. I love that your mom named herself fruit loop. It seems just right. :) Love you, fruit loop!

    The bookcase it BEAUTIFUL!!! My books want to purch themselve there too. They are all of a sudden discontented with their current home. Demanding little books!

  6. It will look better once I add the crown molding. For instance, you will no longer see that piece of pine at the top. That's actually not a design feature. ; )

  7. Gosh, it was so long ago, I don't really remember....

    (yeah, I caved)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kari I love the book case. The flag is an amazing thing to have I wish I had one like it. Keep it well and protect it. Thank you for keeping such a thing alive and well.
