Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hand Tool Cabinet

This cabinet has been a many year project and still is incomplete. Woods used are cherry, wormy chestnut, walnut, and bloodwood. The carcase is joined with handcut dovetails, as are the doors. The chisel racks rest on little shelves and are held in position with cherry turnbuttons. The chisel racks are removable and can sit on a workbench with "feet" to hold them upright and stable. I plan to build other tool holders for placement inside the doors and in the back of the carcase. The cabinet is attached to the wall with a French Cleat. Here's hoping it's a strong support!


  1. Hi There,

    Just stumbled on your blog. Your work is beautiful, thank you for sharing!

  2. Its really nice cabinet. Your work is good. I have also these types cabinet for tools and different types of tools. But your work is really good. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh Kari, I love the removable tool units. What a grand idea. I have restored 7 pocket chisels and given each its own handle approximately 7 to 8 inches long. Some are purple heart and maple, others cherry others hickory, all turned on my lathe. This would be a great way to display them and take them to the bench. I have always tried to stick to form that is functional, and attractive on its own. I love how you build beautiful into your work.. you inspire me.. Thanks for the tip on this blog... David
